
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

upcoming events

Small Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

journey to freedom: the life of moses

Wednesdays, June 26-August 7; 6:00 PM-8:00 PM - *THIS GROUP HAS REACHED ITS CAPACITY*
The gospel changes everything for us as believers in Christ.
This 7-week women’s small group study is designed to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ through retelling the life of Moses. Journey to Freedom takes an in-depth look at typology, a concept that identifies people, events, and objects as forerunners of the final saving work of God’s Son. Sign up on Sundays at the Welcome Center, or email info@mountzionchurch.org if you plan to attend.

Thursday Morning WomEn's Bible Study

Thursdays, 10:00 AM-NOON | Mt. Zion Church Library
All women are welcome for a time of prayer, fellowship, and study. Join us as we take a break from our study of Luke’s Gospel and begin a new video series by Bruce Wilkinson called Survey of the Bible.

Women's Book club

Thursday, August 1, 6:00 PM | Mt. Zion Church Library
The Women’s Book Club is for those who love to curl up with a good book and who would enjoy discussing what they’ve read with others. This is a great way to get to know other ladies who share the love of reading. All we ask is that each participant read the book selection for the month and then join us for lively discussion.

Book of the Month is "Forgiving Paris" by Karen Kingsbury.