Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Mt. Zion is committed to supporting those who are in the mission field and serving in our own mission fields. MTZ members can be found serving in a variety of ways throughout the Dayton area, supporting mission agencies in the states, and traveling abroad for international missions trips.

Opportunities to serve at Mt. zion
Find an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus alongside us!
Serve with us on a mission trip
Mt. Zion sent a team to Honduras in the summer of 2023 and a MTZ Young Adult team during spring break 2023 to serve at the JAARS center in North Carolina. Opportunities with Samaritan's Purse and UNTO in Mt. Joy, PA are also provided throughout the year
Serve with our ministry team locally
Mt. Zion is actively mobilizing our ministry teams to go into the local mission field. Teams actively serve meals and are a part of worship services at the Bridges of Hope shelter, collecting donations for Feed the Creek, or our Widow's Might teams assisting with projects for those in need in our local communities.
Serve other local missions
Members of Mt. Zion serve all around the area at Beavercreek Fish, Beavercreek Senior Center, Bridges of Hope, Feed the Creek, Kids Hope, Hope Rising, and many other ministries and service opportunities.
Support our international missionaries
Mt. Zion Church supports various missionaries and mission organizations around the corner and around the globe! We have many opportunities to partner with them.